
Giving Societies: Laura Goodale Club

Our donors are critical to the mission of ELIH Foundation and to healthcare in our community. We take every opportunity to recognize and honor them for their commitment.

The Laura Goodale Club are donors who have given $10,000 – $49,000+ to the ELIH Foundation.

$40,000 – $59,999
Burt’s Reliable
Ellen and Douglas Ciampa
Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc.
Douglas Elliman Real Estate
EESCO Foundation, Inc.
Fumuso, Kelly, Swart, Farrell, Polin & Christesen, LLP
Sally and John Henry
McCarthy Real Estate
Nemschick Silverman Architects, PC
Camille Passaro
Barbara and William R. Pollert
Riverhead Building Supply Corp
Salice Family
Suffolk Security Systems
The Derfner Foundation

$20,000 – $39,999
Stephanie and Joseph Angelone
Douglas F. Barnard
Beacon Light Foundation (Scott V. Bennett )
Linda and John A. Bertani
Claire S. Boody
Edward C. Booth, PhD
Margaret and Stanley G. Brown, PhD
James F. Buckland
Alison M. Byers, Psy D
Janice L. Claudio
Claudio’s Restaurant/PWIB Claudio Management II LLC
Coastal Pipeline Products Corp
Alice and Harold Culver
Duryea’s Orient Point C/O Montauk Asset Holdings
Robert Feger
Nancy and Thomas G. Gleason
Greenport Rotary Club
Helen O. Hansen
Island Builders Corp
Ryck and Alexander G. Koke
Carolee and Michael Levison
Marian S. Wood Trust
Mattituck Environmental Services, LLC
Mattituck Lions Club
Susan and Thomas J. McCarthy
Sally and Terence J. McLaughlin
Carol A. Kubiak and Anthony E. Mitarotondo, Jr.
Moore Charitable Foundation / Belvedere Property Management
Neefus-Stype Agency Inc
Thomas O’Brien
Peconic Bay Yacht Club
Virginia and John J. Perrell, III
Port Lumber Corporation
Sandra and Joseph M. Pufahl
San Simeon By the Sound Center for Nursing & Rehabilitation
Sheri Winter Parker Inc.
Phyllis and Lloyd Simon, MD
Southold Rotary Club
Jane and Michael M. Sueiro
Susan and James P. Sweeney
Taranto Family Foundation
Kenneth J. Tedaldi Foundation, Inc.
The Perretta Charitable Fund
The Treiber Family Foundation, Inc.
Magdalena and Jonathan Tibett
Irene and Peter S. Treiber
Karen and Tom Uhlinger
United Way of Long Island
Village of Greenport BID MGMT ASSOC INC
Joann V. Walker
Sheri and Brian Winter Parker

$15,000 – $19,999
Nancy and Edward Barr
Edward R. Deutsch
Charles Donnelly
Rachel and John V. Duell
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Duva
Joyce and John Holzapfel
Linda and George J. Hossenlopp, Jr.
Barbara and George Koch
James P. Latham
Veronica and Thomas L. Lewick
Shelby and Iqbal Mamdani
Moira and Thomas J. Mastro
The Neil & Amy McGoldrick Charitable Foundation
Eileen McGuire and John T. Mclane, Jr.
Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Co
Ursula and Thomas E. Murray, Jr.
Thomas O’Neill
Barbara Warren and James F. Preston
Ellen and James P. Riley, Jr.
Ann and Martin P. Soja
Strong’s Marine
Robert J. Syron
The Chicago Community Foundation
The Corcoran Group
Tritech Healthcare Management
Rita and Robert R. Wieczorek
Patricia and John E. Wolleben, Jr.
Zemoga Inc.

$10,000 – $14,999
Andrew Stype Realty
Bank of America Private Bank
Emily and John S. Breese
Maria and Daniel V. Brisotti
Karen and Michael Catapano, MD
Charles and Helen Reichert Family Foundation, Inc.
Rose and Dominick Ciampa
Cleaves Point Condo Assoc
Matthew T. Cottrell
Dell S. Dalton
Paula and Frank Doka
Nora and Joseph Flotteron
Marilyn L. Flynn
Sara and James L. Garretson, Jr.
Jacquelyn D. Garry
Greenport IGA
Horton-Mathie Funeral Home
Amy and Marcel Israel
Lisa and Richard Israel
Margaret and Terence Kelleher
LI Locksmith & Alarm Co., Inc
Joan Mann
Joanne and Peter J. McSherry
Merrill Lynch – Jericho
Jane A. Wilson Morton
North Fork Country Club
Antoinette Notaro, MD and Frank Notaro
NovaMed Corporation
Paler Foundation, Inc
Nancy DiVito and Drew K. Pallas
Pink Aid, Inc.
Dawn Polewac
Port of Egypt Marine Inc
Karen and Jay P. Quartararo
Betsy and Jim Richards
Richmond Realty Corp.
Lynn and Martin Romanelli
Roy H Reeve Agency
Rust Family
Sea Tow Services International Inc.
Doris M. Sherman
Southold IGA
Karen and James Speyer, MD
STALCO Construction, Inc.
Gaby and Alex Stern
Barbara and Andrew D. Stype
Suffolk County National Bank
Taranto Family Foundation
Robert E. Taylor
The Cowles Charitable Trust
Ruth B. Tilden
Sedgwick A. Ward
Charles J. Whatley
William S. Zebroski, Jr.

Thank you to our Laura Goodale Club donors.