Member Category: Ex-Officio
Helene V. Fall
Helene V. Fall had a long career in municipal management and administration in New Jersey before retiring in 2011. She served four municipalities during her career as CEO/Assistant CEO, CAO/Assistant CAO. A graduate of Douglass College-Rutgers University (BA) and Fairleigh Dickinson University(MPA), Mrs. Fall is a Certified Public Manager in New Jersey.
Mrs. Fall is married to F.B. Fall and has two stepchildren and three grandchildren. After spending many summers boating on the East End, the Falls moved here full time in retirement. She joined the Eastern Long Island Auxiliary six weeks after that move, and has been a member of the ELIH Auxiliary since December 2011.
Through the end of 2022, Mrs. Fall contributed 12,000 volunteer hours to the ELIH Auxiliary. She is currently in her third term as President of the ELIH Auxiliary, having served as Second Vice President and First Vice President. She is also interim Chairperson of Volunteer Services, Car/Cash Giveaway Chairperson and Chairperson of the Dream Green Extravaganza.
In addition, as ELIH Auxiliary President, Mrs. Fall serves on the ELIH Association Board, the ELIH Foundation Board and the SBELIH Joint Advisory Committee. She is the recipient of the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Paul Harris Fellowship, U.S. President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Volunteer Service and SBELIH Theodore Roosevelt Award.